Cow Milk vs. Goat Milk vs. Sheep Milk—Which is Healthier?

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Sheep Milk

Sheep’s milk is a nutritious and valuable food source that has been consumed thousands of years. The extraordinarily long lives of Bulgarian shepherds are often thought to be attributed in part to the healthy benefits of sheep milk.

Sheep milk is rich source of high-quality protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. Sheep’s milk has a smooth, creamy texture and mild flavor, making it preferable to many people. Sheep milk is used in the production of several very popular cheeses including Roquefort, feta, and pecorino.

Sheep’s milk is the highest in nutrients compared to cow and goat cheese. When you compare sheep’s milk to cow and goat milk, it contains higher protein more calcium, more iron, magnesium, zinc, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, vitamins B6, B12, and vitamin D. It also contains more fat including medium chain fatty acids, linoleic acid, and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, along with omega 3’s.

Sheep milk contains twice the amount of fat compared to goat and cow milk. The fat globules in sheep milk are also smaller, making the milk is creamy and homogeneous. The smaller fat globules are also more easily digested and are less likely to cause high cholesterol.

Sheep’s milk is very high in protein, making it an impressive source of protein (sheep 5.4 gms per 100gms of milk; cow milk 3.2gms, and goat milk 3.1 gms).

Sheep’s milk nutrients make it a valuable and nutritious food to fight cancer, boost the immune system, fight birth defects, boost brain health, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

As with many varieties of milk, sheep’s milk contains an impressive variety of minerals, including zinc, phosphorous, magnesium, and calcium, all important for boosting bone mineral density. In fact, sheep milk contains approximately 36% more calcium than cow milk and 31% more than goat milk. and its generous amount of vitamin K2 helps to get the calcium into bones and teeth, which it should be.

Sheep’s milk is also more easily tolerated by people who may be sensitive or allergic to goat or cow milk, due to the fact that sheep milk only contains the A2 casein, and none of the A1 casein that people often react to.

In addition, Sheep’s milk has been shown to be easier to digest than cow’s milk due to its unique protein and fat structure. According to a study published in the Journal of Dairy Science, people with lactose intolerance were able to tolerate sheep’s milk better than cow’s milk

Bottom Line

Overall, both sheep’s milk and goat’s milk have greater health benefits than cow’s milk, especially commercially raised dairy cows. Both sheep and goat’s milk may be a good option for individuals who have difficulty tolerating cow’s milk.

While sheep’s milk is a bit more expensive, sheep’s milk wins for better nutrition, better fat content, higher protein and more tolerable to those who may be allergic to cow’s milk and/or goat’s milk—both of which contain A1 casein. Sheep’s milk also wins for the amazing, smooth, creamy, mild taste. Give it a try if you see it in your local grocery store. It’s well worth it!


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